Building a Solid Foundation: Why Being an Ethical Engineer Matters

While I am not an engineer, I have heard it said that laying the foundation for a building takes up a vast majority of the project time and budget. There is good reason for this: A strong foundation is the key to a sturdy, well-built building. A good engineer knows they have one chance to lay a foundation properly. A great engineer understands that the results of laying an improper foundation can be disastrous, putting the whole project, as well as the public, at risk.

Noteworthy News: FBPE’s Engineering Directories and the Accessibility of Public Information

PUBLIC RECORDS DISCLAIMER: Article I, Section 24 of the Florida Constitution establishes a constitutional right of access to public records made or received in connection with official business, except for records for which a specific exemption exists. Section 119.07, Florida Statutes, effectuates this constitutional right, and ensures that state government is open and transparent, and that the public has access to non-exempt official records and information in its possession. At the same time, both state and federal laws provide exceptions that serve various needs, including the privacy of individuals.

Chair’s Corner: Looking Back on Renewal

Whew! Licensure and Certificates of Authorization renewals are complete! In total, 31,722 licenses and 4,564 Certificates of Authorization were renewed.  Online license renewal opened on Nov. 7 and closed on Feb. 28. More than a third of the total renewals occurred within the final week of the deadline and approximately twice as many as were received in the first two months of the renewal period!