Fire alarm illustration

Fire Protection Rules Updated for Clarity

Fire protection engineering rules have been updated to clarify ambiguous items, establish consistency between the rules and other statutes, and reduce unnecessary work by engineers and contractors, while still upholding FBPE’s statutory charge to protect the health, safety, and well-being of the public.

Law book with gavel

Supervisory Control May Affect PE Liability

Contract language may not be enough to protect an engineer from a lawsuit by a third party if the facts demonstrate supervisory control and the “close nexus” between the engineer and the contractor.

Disciplinary Actions

Latest Engineer Disciplinary Actions

Under Rule 61G15-37.001(11), F.A.C., the Florida Engineers Management Corporation is required to post all Final Orders involving active disciplinary cases to the website until the terms of the final order are completed, or until the licensee becomes inactive, retires, relinquishes the license, or permits the license to become null and void. …
