Professional Engineer licenseIf you passed the October 2019 NCEES Principles & Practice of Engineering exam, it’s understandable that you may be confused about what happens next, considering the new law that went into effect that same month.

On Oct. 1, 2019, the new law decoupled engineering experience from the requirements to take the PE exam in Florida. But those changes to the laws and rules only affect examinees beginning with the April 2020 pencil-and-paper exam and with computer-based exams scheduled after October 2019.

If you applied through FBPE and took the PE exam in Florida on Oct. 25, 2019, you met the existing requirements for licensure as a Professional Engineer in Florida and paid your licensure fees. You will be issued a PE number in Florida without any further action. Watch your account at for your number to be issued in mid-January. Once FBPE has completed verification of your exam, the Department of Business and Professional Regulation must process new licensees in their system, which may take several weeks.

If you did not apply through FBPE to take the October PE exam in Florida — or you took it in another state — then you must meet current requirements for licensure in Florida and submit an Application for Licensure as a Professional Engineer.

Those who didn’t pass the October PE exam — as well as anyone who has passed the Fundamentals of Engineering exam — may register directly with NCEES to take the PE exam in the future. You no longer apply to FBPE first. That also means that you may retake the exam as often as you need to without having to take additional coursework, as previously required.