The information presented on this page, specifically related to Certificates of Authorization and “null and void” PE licenses, is outdated. A change in Florida statutes in 2019 did away with Certificates of Authorization, replacing them with a free registry, and provided a path for those with void licenses to have them reinstated. For more information, please see the Engineering Firms page or the Change of Status & Other FBPE Applications page. This article remains online because of Florida Sunshine laws.
All current Professional Engineer licenses and Certificates of Authorizations are set to expire, Feb. 28, 2019. Beginning Monday, Nov. 5, 2018, online license renewal will officially open for the 2019-2021 biennium.
Here are some helpful hints, general information, and basic instructions for accessing your account and renewing your license online. We have also included information about license status changes and continuing education requirements. Please read the information very carefully prior to renewing your license. If you have any issues accessing your account, please call the Board office at (850) 521-0500 and select “Renewal” for assistance.
General Renewal Information
Renewal Fee: You can save $10 if you renew your Professional Engineer license before Jan. 16, 2019. Renewal fees include a $5 unlicensed activity fee, which FBPE must charge pursuant to Chapter 497.140, Florida Statutes, Fees. If you fail to renew by the deadline you must pay a $25 delinquent fee. Renewal fees are:
$98.75: Regular renewal fee, applies Jan. 16 through Feb. 28, 2019.
$88.75: Discounted renewal fee, applies only Nov. 5, 2018, through Jan. 15, 2019.
Certificate of Authorization Holders: A Professional Engineer who is the qualifying engineer for a firm/company providing engineering services in Florida, must renew his or her license before renewing the business’s Certificate of Authorization. If the qualifying engineer renews his or her license after the CA has been renewed, the certificate will not automatically renew. You must contact the Board office at (850) 521-0500 and select “Renewal” to have this corrected. The fee to renew a CA is $98.75, which includes a $5 unlicensed activity fee, which FBPE must charge pursuant to Chapter 497.140, Florida Statutes, Fees.
Online Printing of Licenses: Beginning with this renewal cycle, PE licenses are only available through your account at myfloridalicense.com. Licenses cannot be mailed. Check your licensure record prior to renewal to ensure that the email address and other information associated with your license is current and accurate. If any information is dated or incorrect, you risk not getting important notices from the Board.
Continuing Education Requirements: Professional Engineers licensed in Florida are required to obtain 18 continuing education hours to renew their licenses. For more information about the CE requirement, visit the Continuing Education section of FBPE’s website. Exceptions to the CE requirement include:
Some New Licensees: If you passed your Principles & Practice exam in April 2017, October 2017, or April 2018, and Florida is your first state of PE licensure, you are only required to pay the fee to renew your license. You do not need to complete the 18 hours of continuing education for this renewal cycle. However, effective with the 2021-2023 biennium, you must complete your continuing education hours and pay the renewal fee to renew your license.
Inactive Licensees: If your license is currently “inactive” and you want to become “active,” you can renew your license at myfloridalicense.com and pay the renewal fee (see above). Once that is complete, contact the Board office at (850) 521-0500, ext. 113, to find out how to complete the status change. You may be required to show that you have completed the 18 hours of CE if your license has been “inactive” for more than a year.
Attestation Statements: Each licensee must attest to the accuracy of your licensure information, the completion of CE for the renewal period, and the reporting of any disciplinary action taken against your license in another jurisdiction. You cannot renew your license without providing a response to these statements.
Receipts: You should receive an automatic email from the Department of Business and Professional Regulation licensing system confirming that your renewal application has been received. This email will contain an Online Payment Summary in the form of a PDF attachment. This serves as a receipt.
Paper Renewal: Renewal is available online only. Should you have circumstances that prevent you from renewing your license online, you may contact the Board office at (850) 521-0500, and select “Renewal,” then request a hardcopy renewal application. Please note: You must allow at least six weeks to process any renewal request using this method, which means your request must be received by FBPE no later than Jan. 21, 2019, to ensure that your license does not lapse and become delinquent. You will still be required to log into your myfloridalicense.com account to print your license. PE licenses can no longer be mailed.
Replacement Certificates: Replacement certificates for PEs and Certificates of Authorizations can be ordered for $25. Please allow four to six weeks for printing and mailing of a replacement certificate. (PE licenses will be available online only beginning with this renewal period.)
License Issues & Status Changes
Delinquent/Active License: If your license has a status of “delinquent/active” and you wish to renew your license, you must complete 18 hours of continuing education, including one hour of Florida laws and rules, and one hour of professional ethics, both from a Board-approved provider; and four hours related to your area of practice; and 12 hours related to any topic pertinent to the practice of engineering.
You also must pay a $25 delinquent fee, as well as the fee for the past renewal cycle and the fee for the current renewal. If you do not renew before Feb. 28, 2019, your license will become “null and void.”
Null & Void License: If your license is “delinquent” and you do not renew in this renewal cycle, your license status will become “null and void” on March 1, 2019. A license status of “null and void” means that your PE license is no longer valid. To obtain a new Florida PE license, you must reapply through the endorsement process and be given a new PE license number. Information regarding the endorsement process can be found on the Endorsement page in the Licensure section of the FBPE website.
Active to Inactive License Status Change: To place your license in an “inactive” status during the current renewal period, you must pay the renewal fee (see above). You will not be required to take any continuing education hours. You must request that your license be placed in “inactive” status by submitting the Application for Change of Status Form – Active to Inactive. Go to the Other Forms page under the Licensure section of the FBPE website to download the application. Be sure to read and understand the requirements of Rule 61G15-22.0002, F.A.C., Licensure Change of Status, regarding reactivating your license before your request an inactive status.
To activate your license, you must submit the Application for Change of Status Form – Inactive to Active with all required documents, pay any additional licensure fees necessary to equal those imposed on an active status licensee, pay any applicable reactivation fees as set by the Board, and meet all continuing education requirements as defined in Rule 61G15-22.001, F.A.C.
Military Status: Pursuant to Section 455.02(1), F.S., any member of the U.S. armed forces may request that his or her PE license be placed in a military status, without paying dues or fees or performing any other act such as continuing education. This status will be in effect as long as the service member is on active duty and for a period of six months after discharge from active duty, if he or she is not engaged in the licensed profession or vocation in the private sector for profit.
If you are a Professional Engineer licensed in Florida and meet these requirements, you must inform the Board and provide the military orders placing you on active duty. Once you are discharged from active duty, you must notify the Board within six months of discharge and submit a Form DD-214. No continuing education or fee is required to return your license to a current and active status. If you have any questions regarding an active military status, please contact the Board office at renewal@fbpe.org or call (850) 521-0500 and select “Renewal.”