PE No. 54063
Case No. 2020027145
Licensee was charged with violating Section 471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, and Rule 61G15-19.001(4), Florida Administrative Code; negligence in the practice of engineering. Mr. Noble signed, dated, and sealed materially deficient structural engineering design documents for a house.
Ruling: The case was presented to the full Board upon a Settlement Stipulation. The Board imposed an administrative fine of $1,000 and costs of $4,590; an appearance before the Board; and a two-year probation with terms. The terms include reviews of all structural and civil engineer projects at six and 18 months; and the successful completion of the Board’s Study Guide and a Board-approved online course in basic engineering ethics and professionalism. Final Order was filed Oct. 22, 2021.
Violation: Section 471.033(1)(g), Florida Statutes, and Rule 61G15-19.001(4), Florida Administrative Code