PE No. 78807
Case No. 2017020571

Licensee was charged with violating Section 471.031(1)(a) and (j), Florida Statutes; violating any provision of s. 455.227(1), s. 471.025, or s. 471.031, or any other provision of this chapter or rule of the board or department, affixing or permitting to be affixed his or her seal, name, or digital signature to any final drawings, specifications, plans, reports, or documents that were not prepared by him or her or under his or her responsible supervision, direction, or control and Section 471.023, Florida Statutes; practicing engineering through a corporation without a Certificate of Authorization. Licensee signed, sealed, and dated engineering plans and revised plans for work that had already been completed prior to the issuance of a building permit. Additionally, Licensee signed, sealed, and dated an inspection letter through and on behalf of Licensee’s firm, Stoppi Engineering. Stoppi Engineering does not and has never had a Certificate of Authorization. The inspection letter, or certification, explicitly stated that the inspections were performed at the site and that based upon those inspections, Licensee concluded that the work performed was in compliance with the 2014 Florida Resident Code. Licensee was never present at the job nor was a qualified person, working under his responsible charge, present at the job.

Ruling: The case was presented to the full Board upon a Settlement Stipulation. The Board imposed an Administrative Fine of $1,000, Administrative Costs of $1,386.65, a Reprimand, appearance before the Board, completion of the Basic Engineering Professionalism and Ethics Course, and the Board’s Study Guide. Final Order was issued on 2/7/2018.

Violation: Section 471.031(1)(a) and (j), Florida Statutes