Licensure renewal begins in November for Professional Engineers licensed in Florida. Now is the time to make sure you are prepared for renewal.
We’ve put together a short checklist to help you avoid discovering at the last minute that you have a problem.
Continuing Education: All Professional Engineers licensed in Florida must complete 18 hours of continuing education each renewal period. As mentioned in the From the Executive Director column in the July 2020 issue of the newsletter, the Board does not expect to waive continuing-education requirements due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The window for earning CE credits opened over 16 months ago, and the deadline for completing the credits is Feb. 28, 2021.
Board emails: If you didn’t receive the July 2020 newsletter email and are reading this online, you may have unsubscribed to FBPE emails. That means you won’t receive notifications and reminders regarding renewing your PE license. Please resubscribe to FBPE emails using the Resubscribe to FBPE Emails form on our website.
License status: Check the status of your PE license at If it is delinquent, you must pay the renewal fee from the previous renewal period and a delinquent fee before you can renew for the 2021-23 period. If it is null and void, you will need to have your license reinstated. Please see the Other Forms page on our website.
Check your password: Make sure that you can log into your account at You will be renewing your license through this portal provided by the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation.
Check your email address and contact information: If you need to update your contact information, please fill out and submit the online Change Contact Information form.
Early-bird renewal: Watch for details on how you can save $10 by renewing early once the renewal period begins in November. We will post information on our website and include it in the October 2020 newsletter.