PE No. 39528

Case Nos. 2016013495, 2016028548

In Case No. 2016028548, Licensee was charged with violating Section 471.031(1)(g), Florida Statutes; negligence in the practice of engineering. Licensee signed, dated, and sealed a final set of fire protection engineering. The documents contained material deficiencies. The deficiencies include, but are not limited to, the building exceeds the number of stories permitted for the type of construction identified on the documents, fire resistive ratings are not indicated for the exterior walls, two unprotected openings in the north exterior wall and eight unprotected openings in the south exterior wall are shown on the drawings, etc.

In Case No. 2016013495, Licensee was charged with violating Section 471.031(1)(g), Florida Statutes; negligence in the practice of engineering. Licensee signed, dated, and sealed engineering plans for the remodeling of an existing retail space into a restaurant and bar. Licensee prepared the Electrical and Mechanical documents that contained deficiencies. The Electrical deficiencies include, but are not limited to the drawing does not contain an electrical riser diagram, contains no short circuit values and no voltage drop calculations for the feeders and customer-owner service conductors, no surge protective devices are shown, the plans show two electrical panel locations but no panel schedule, no Main and distribution equipment and sizes, no load computations are shown, etc. The Mechanical deficiencies include, but are not limited to, the drawing does not contain outside air make-up conditions, the plumbing/gas plan contains no plumbing equipment schedules, no design data for a great trap and no specifications for plumbing system materials, no potable water isometric diagrams are shown, no isometric sanitary riser diagrams are shown, no storm riser diagrams are shown, etc.

Ruling: The case was presented to the full Board upon a Settlement Stipulation. The Board imposed an Administrative Fine of $2,000, Administrative Costs of $7,553.60, Appearance before the Board, Probation with terms that include completion of a Board-approved Basic Engineering Professionalism and Ethics Course, project review at six and 18 months, and the Board’s Study Guide. Final Order was issued on Aug. 14, 2018.

Violation: Section 471.031(1)(g), Florida Statutes