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The information presented on this page was originally published in January 2023 and is outdated. Please refer to the License Renewal page for current renewal information. This article remains online under Florida Sunshine laws.

Attestation question dropbownYour Florida PE license won’t renew if you fail to answer three attestation questions — even if you pay your fees.

During the renewal process, Professional Engineers are asked to answer:

You can see examples of the three attestation questions in steps 27, 28, and 29 of our step-by-step renewal instructions.

Also, if you clicked the Make an Online Payment link in your account at and paid your renewal fees but did not go through the renewal steps, your license will not renew.

To ensure that you can continue to legally sign and seal engineering documents after Feb. 28, 2023, please follow our guide to renewing your PE license.

If you have already renewed, log into your account at and confirm that your license’s expiration date is 2025. If it is still 2023, you may need go through the renewal steps to complete your renewal. If the Renewal link is no longer available, please call the Board at (850) 521-0500 and select the Renewal option.