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Case No. 2015018063

Licensee was charged with violating Section 471.031(1)(g), Florida Statutes; negligence in the practice of engineering.  Licensee signed, sealed and dated Fire Protection System Engineering Design Drawings for a fire alarm plan.  The drawings contained deficiencies.  The deficiencies include, but are not limited to:  the location of the strobes does not provide full coverage, there is no sprinkler flow or tamper connected to the fire alarm system for the sprinklered building, the class and style of circuits were not provided, etc.

Ruling: The case was presented to the full Board upon a Settlement Stipulation.  The Board imposed Costs of $2,344.05, an Administrative Fine of $3,000, a Reprimand, Appearance, Probation to include: Basic Engineering Professionalism and Ethics, Project Review at six and eighteen months, and the Board’s Study Guide.  A Final Order was issued on August 24, 2016.

Violation: Section 471.031(1)(g), Florida Statutes