A cartoon of an engineer and two children created by DALL*E 2

From the Executive Director: AI Is Here

Most of you have probably been hearing a lot of chatter about AI (artificial intelligence) and how it is taking over our world. That might be an exaggeration but, in reality, it has been at the forefront of the news for the past few months. I gave it a try.


International Education Requirements for Licensure

In our increasingly international society, engineers who earned their engineering degrees outside of the United States will often apply for licensure in Florida. As their course of study is neither EAC/ABET nor ETAC/ABET accredited, their path to licensure is covered by rules in the Florida Administrative Code.

Continuing education

CE Provider Renewal Now Open

Current licenses for continuing education providers will expire on May 31, 2023. Beginning March 1, 2023, CE providers will be able to renew their licenses and courses.


Congratulations, Examinees

FBPE applauds everyone who passed NCEES exams in the previous quarter. We wish them much success as they move toward the next step in their engineering careers.

Disciplinary Actions

Latest Engineer Disciplinary Actions

Under Rule 61G15-37.001(11), F.A.C., the Florida Engineers Management Corporation is required to post all Final Orders involving active disciplinary cases to the website until the terms of the final order are completed, or until the licensee becomes inactive, retires, relinquishes the license, or permits the license to become null and void. …
