At its Dec. 7, 2017, meeting, the Florida Board of Professional Engineers appointed Kenneth Todd, PE, as its chair for the 2018 term, and re-appointed C. Kevin Fleming, PE, as vice chair for 2018. Mr. Todd replaces Anthony J. Fiorillo, PE, SI, CGC, who served as Board chair for 2017. Mr. Fiorillo will remain an active member of the FBPE Board.

Kenneth Todd, PE
Kenneth Todd, PE, was born and reared in West Palm Beach, Fla., and has over 40 years engineering experience. He works with Palm Beach County as water resource manager, and is responsible for coordinating all water-resource efforts with county departments and other government agencies. Prior to working for Palm Beach, he spent 11 years with the South Florida Water Management District, serving as a senior supervising engineer in the Regulatory Department, worked as a design engineer and project manager for several engineering consulting firms, and spent two years as the assistant county engineer for Martin County.
He received a bachelor of science degree in civil engineering from the University of Florida, where he also completed graduate coursework in public works engineering. He is a licensed Professional Engineer in Florida, and was, until 2019, a Certified Floodplain Manager by the Board of Regents of the Association of State Floodplain Managers. Mr. Todd is a Fellow in the Florida Engineering Society, and a Fellow and Life Member in the American Society of Civil Engineers. As an FBPE member, he has been guest lecturer at both the Florida Atlantic University and the Florida International University colleges of engineering. Each semester for the past five years, Mr. Todd’s lectures to the engineering students have included discussions on the laws and rules of Professional Engineers, the practice of engineering, and engineering ethics. He has been on the FBPE Board since 2012.

C. Kevin Fleming, PE
C. Kevin Fleming, PE, is vice president and principal electrical engineer for McGinniss & Fleming Engineering Inc., located in Tallahassee, Fla. He has been a Professional Engineer since 1994, and his engineering career has focused primarily on the institutional and commercial construction industry.
Mr. Fleming received a bachelor of science in electrical engineering degree from Florida State University, and has been an FBPE Board member since 2015. He is the current chair for FBPE’s Structural Rules Committee. Mr. Fleming also served as vice chair in 2017.
We are pleased to have these seasoned and talented professionals participating as members of the FBPE Board, and are grateful for their dedication and commitment to FBPE. For a full listing of FBPE and Florida Engineers Management Corporation board members, visit the About FBPE or About FEMC pages of our website.