The Purpose of Engineering Licensure
In the interest of public health, life, property, and safety, the Florida Legislature determined to regulate the practice of engineering in Florida. To accomplish this task, the Legislature created Chapter 471, Florida Statutes.
Licensees are expected to know the laws and rules governing their profession, and are expected to provide services in accordance with current regulations, codes, and ordinances, and recognized standards. When appropriate, the Florida Board of Professional Engineers has the authority to discipline those individuals (licensed and unlicensed) and businesses that offer or practice engineering in Florida. The Board has the power to suspend, revoke, or refuse to issue, restore, or renew an engineering license for an individual, or place on probation, fine, or reprimand any Professional Engineer, individual, or business found guilty of violating Florida Statutes and Rules.
The legal department — consisting of the chief prosecuting attorney, investigators, and a paralegal/compliance officer — manages the complaint and disciplinary processes. The department’s duties include review of complaints, coordination of investigations, preparation of Probable Cause Panel and Board meeting materials, preparation of administrative complaints and orders, litigation of cases at the Division of Administrative Hearings, handling appeals to the court system, and assuring compliance with Board decisions.
For detailed information on how to file a complaint, review individuals currently being disciplined, and access Florida’s current laws and rules, refer to their pages under the Legal section on the FBPE website.
The Complaint Process Defined
Complaints are filed with the Florida Board of Professional Engineers from many sources; any member of the public may file a complaint. The majority of written complaints received by FBPE are from consumers of engineering services and building department officials. Professional engineers and professionals from related fields, such as contractors, surveyors, and architects, also file many of the complaints that form the basis for investigations. You may file a complaint if you feel that a licensee, business, or individual has violated the provisions of law outlined in Chapter 455, F.S., Chapter 471, F.S., and Chapter 61G-15, Florida Administrative Code.
Once you file a complaint, it is forwarded to a Florida Engineers Management Corporation engineering consultant for review. The preliminary opinion and complaint documents are analyzed to determine if what you have alleged is against the law. If your complaint is not a violation of law, you will receive a letter indicating the file is being closed. If it is determined that the allegation you have made would constitute a violation of the engineering laws or rules, you will be notified that an investigation will take place.
Following the investigation, the case will go to the FBPE Probable Cause Panel, which is similar to a grand jury, and it will determine if the case should be recommended to the full Board for discipline. FBPE then serves as jury in the case and decides guilt or innocence, as well as the level of discipline if the accused is found guilty.
The Board does accept anonymous complaints. However, the Board encourages a complainant to include his or her name and phone number in case additional information is required.
Please understand that if you file an anonymous complaint, the investigator will be unable to contact you for clarification or for further information. It is important that you include all of the information necessary to prove that a violation has occurred. Too much information is better than not enough information.
Further understand that if you file an anonymous complaint, you will not be notified of the results of the investigation.
Additionally, it is important to note that Section 455.225, F.S., states: “A privilege against civil liability is hereby granted to any complainant or any witness with regard to information furnished with respect to any investigation or proceeding pursuant to this section, unless the complainant or witness acted in bad faith or with malice in providing such information.”
To file a complaint, go to the Complaints page under the Legal section on the FBPE website, and download the Uniform Complaint Form, or request a form from the Board’s office.